During this historic week of #roe45, the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade court decision that legalized abortion in the US, we have exciting news: more than 140 organizations and leaders committed to a new vision for abortion — including Reclaim!
It started last year when reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations convened 28 creative leaders committed to creating culture change around abortion. These leaders became the Culture Change Strategy Group (CCSG). They are advocates, researchers, media makers, artists, health professionals, pastors, communicators, policy experts, activists and more. The group produced a vision for changing the culture around abortion. And as of now, more than 140 (and counting!) organizations and leaders have signed on to this vision.
The vision is audacious, because they asked an audacious, unbridled question:
What if our wildest dreams about abortion culture became reality? What are those dreams?
Here is what the group came up with, and what we and many other organizations decided to align around:
We Are Working For A Future Where:
- Abortion is understood as a basic human right, an essential part of healthcare, and a normal part of life.
- Everyone can access safe and affordable abortion regardless of age, class, race, gender identity, ability, geography, immigration status, and insurance status.
- Providers and people who have abortions are supported and respected and do not fear or experience judgment, stigma, discrimination, violence, or criminalization.
- All people can talk openly about abortion with sensitivity to the complexity and nuances of individual experiences.
- Every person is able to make personal decisions about abortion based upon their own beliefs and values.
- Media supports the dignity and diversity of individual reproductive decisions and decision makers. Media truthfully and authentically represents abortion and refrains from sensationalizing the experience.
If this vision resonates with you, join us on social media with #vision4abortion
You can find, follow, and share posts this week on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Together, we are starting 2018 with a clear vision for culture shift.
And together, we are showing the world what is possible.