On June 13, 2017, The Michigan Voices for Women’s Health Coalition introduced a set of proactive abortion bills to increase access to abortion and reduce restrictive barriers currently in place in the state. A woman’s ability to make important life decisions is under attack and every year, access to abortion continues to be chipped away by some politicians since Roe v. Wade passed over 40 years ago.
Restrictions, which have the greatest effect on low-income women of color, can increase the likelihood of poverty, domestic violence, and poor health. Unnecessary abortion restrictions can lead women to risk their lives to find their own means to terminate their pregnancy.
Northland Family Planning and Reclaim are proud to work within this coalition of champions responsible for the introduction of these bills!
Reach out to the representatives who endorsed this legislation package! Thank them for supporting women’s healthcare.
Don’t see your rep? Call them and urge them to support this package!
Abortion is Healthcare and all women deserve better!
We have provided a list of the bills, the representatives who endorse them, and their contact information below. Though this legislation may seem unnecessary, these bills address CURRENT MICHIGAN LAW!
1. HB 4760, Rep. Pam Faris (Clio) 517-373-7557
· Prevent Political Interference from Delaying Abortion – Remove unnecessary restrictions that delay access to abortion care by repealing the 24-hour informed consent requirement.
2. HB 4761, Rep. Christine Greig (Farmington Hills) 517-373-1793
· Repeal the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act – This bill will repeal the requirement that women pre-purchase abortion insurance riders prior to becoming pregnant.
3. HB 4762, Rep. Vanessa Guerra (Saginaw) 517-373-0152
· Keep Politics Out of the Exam Room – Prevents health care professionals from providing a patient with information that is not medically accurate or medical services in a manner that is not evidence-based.
4. HB 4763, Rep. Kristy Pagan (Canton) 517-373-2575
· Prevent Double Standards – Place in statute that any law or regulation on abortion that places a burden on access to abortion is unenforceable if it does not confer a legitimate health benefit.
5. HB 4764, Rep. Leslie Love (Detroit) 517-373-0857
· Patients Right to Abortion Information – Requires that a health facility shall not refuse to provide reproductive health services if withholding them would result in health risk.